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Author: Alan_Lee

Commercial Loan Pricing Trends to Keep an Eye On

Commercial Loan Pricing Trends to Keep an Eye On Commercial Loan Pricing Commercial loans have long been the largest asset earners for banking institutions, but since the economic crisis of 2008 the number of non-traditional commercial loan lenders has skyrocketed. Commercial loan pricing in recent times has gone from price-setting to price-taking with the increased amount of competition...
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Is It Better for a Business to Borrow or Lease Capital Equipment

A question many business owners ask bankers over the course of operating their business is whether they should borrow money to buy or should they lease capital equipment.  There are advantages and disadvantages for each choice, but when all things are equal, one of the deciding factors in deciding whether to borrow or lease is timing.  One year a business might find that it makes sense to leas...
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Trends in Bank Closings

We regularly talk to bank executives from around the world.  The number of US Banks that are insured by the FDIC has decreased in recent years, down from over 12,300 in 1990 to just 6,656 insured institutions as of the second quarter of 2014. These declines can be explained by a number of factors, including mergers and failed banks. There are identifiable waves and trends over the past decade, ...
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National Loan Origination Cost Report

National Loan Cost Survey for commercial loans
How it works: Commercial loan origination costs and servicing costs continually change.  Hurdle Group surveys banks in the United states to create the National Loan Origination Cost Report on a Quarterly basis When your organization funds a commercial loan you incur a one-time upfront origination cost followed by ongoing monthly servicing costs for the life of that loan.  These costs affect ...
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Results Screen of the PULPS loan pricing model
How it works: PULPS™  and PULPS PLATINUM™ are dynamic commercial loan pricing models designed to incorporate all the essential analytics required to determine if the pricing on a given commercial loan meets the profit objectives of the financial institution.  Cost of funds, risk, origination, and servicing costs are all incorporated in the model. Just enter your loans input variables and yo...
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PULPS Loan Pricing System We provide banks with a competitive advantage through better pricing of their commercial loans.  Increase your profitability on your commercial loan portfolio by optimizing your loan rates and terms.  For example,  if you add 1 basis point to a 100 million dollar loan portfolio you gain $10,000 PER YEAR in profit! Additionally,  regulators are looking for Banks to show ...
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